What Happens to Your Items?

Every item that you submit is scored through a fair, open, and transparent judging process. Participants who submit items have an opportunity to receive feedback from peers and expert reviewers so that they can learn and can improve their item-writing skills. All items submitted are licensed under Creative Commons. Those items that reach a specific standard of quality are released as an open educational resource (OER) and freely distributed via CoreSpring, our partner and provider of the authoring tool.

Open Educational Resources

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation defines Open Educational Resources (OER) as "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."

The shift to the Common Core State Standards and the renewed focus on college and career readiness requires that educators have access to high-quality, rigorous materials that support student learning. The goals of these competitions are to quickly generate a large number of great items that can be used by educators to assess student learning and to identify talented item writers who know the standards and are able to translate them into complex and thoughtful tasks. We believe that by collecting and sharing these items as OER, educators and students will benefit.

Creative Commons Licensing

All items submitted are licensed under Creative Commons and freely distributed through CoreSpring so that the largest number of educators and students can benefit. By agreeing to the Terms & Conditions, you grant a CC BY license, which lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. Please take the time to read and understand the copyright permissions you are granting.

Meet our Contributors

We'd like to thank our contributors. Their generous contributions have made possible the launch of this innovative, open-source platform to create computer-based assessment items. These items will be made available for free to educators across the country.